How Braide Works

Step 1

Create a course

Just upload or enter your course syllabus

Step 2

Set up an assignment

Upload one of your existing assignments or create a new one

Upload student submissions or let students upload their own

Step 3

Let Braide grade

Assignments are graded based on your grading instructions

Braide takes hours out of the grading process!

Watch how we do it.

You still retain complete control over the grading process

Use any grading scale or standard

See how the entire class performs

Complex rubrics are no problem

See how the entire class performs

Reteaching activities at the push of a button

Braide adapts to teachers existing work flow and materials

Pick the grading scale and instructions

  • Standards Based Grading

  • Letter Grade

  • Rubric-Based

  • Pass / Fail

  • Credit / No Credit

  • International Baccalaureate

  • Create your own

Work with your existing lessons

  • Use any common file type (pdf, docx, google doc, jpg, png, and more)

  • Include multiple files or reference webpages (many assignments include reference materials)

  • Fill-in-the blank to short-answer to essays

Student responses are just as flexible

  • Upload the student response from your computer or Google Drive, or

  • Students can upload their own responses via their computer or phone

  • Use any common file type (pdf, docx, google doc, jpg, png, and more)

  • Responses can be handwritten or typed

What teachers are saying after working with Braide

“The new grading feedback works beautifully! It is absolutely the sort of feedback I was hoping for”

- Erica P.
12th Grade AP English Language Arts

“Normally this would take me 20 minutes - it only took me 2 minutes. BUT, if I gave everyone the individual feedback Braide gave, it would take over 2 hours.”

- Mike R.
12th Grade Government

“With Braide I can say “I’m one of the best teachers in the building” because of the amount and quality of the feedback that I give to the kids”

- Brad C.
6th Grade Science

Creating a course in Braide

You can create a course using our AI tools for teachers in under 1 minute. You can create the course manually OR you can upload your syllabus.

Creating your first assignment

Creating your first assignment takes just about 1 minute. You can create the course manually OR you can upload your syllabus.